Dove Poppers
If you enjoy hunting, and also like jalapeno poppers, then dove poppers are definitely something you'll want to try! Patrick K. has shared his favorite recipe, which you can make with dove or any other red meat.
Take a look at the recipe below, or view the video presentation on the Evergreen YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/wcfZSDVqG_w
Dove (1 dove makes 2 poppers) or any red meat
Cream cheese
Jalapeno pepper
Bacon (thick sliced)
BBQ sauce
Brown sugar
*Note: if you are hunting dove, be sure to hunt only during Dove Season.
Step 1
Prepare the dove for cooking. One dove will have two breasts of meat, enough for two poppers.
Step 2
Lay your bacon strips flat, then layer the dove, jalapeno, and cream cheese onto one end. Roll up the bacon with the ingredients inside and secure with toothpicks.
Step 3
Brush some BBQ sauce onto the outside of the poppers, then sprinkle with brown sugar.
Step 4
Grill poppers for about 15 minutes, or until bacon is fully cooked. Remove toothpicks before serving.
Thank you Patrick for sharing this recipe with us!
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