The Glories of Michigan
We had an awesome Virtual Travel Experience (VTE) via Zoom video call this Sunday!
Where did we "go"?
Members Billy & Lanee W. from Water Valley, TX shared a slide show of their recent trip up the Western coast of Michigan. Their pictures were stunning and had all of us wishing we could jump in the car and head on up for a visit! In fact, once the world resumes some sense of normalcy and regular travel is permitted again, we should pack your bags and go!
Did you know?
Did you know that the Evergreen Club has 39 host homes just in Michigan alone? WOW! That's a lot of awesome friendly places to stay while you check out the amazing views and scenic beauty of the state.
Their trip started in the south and moved northward. They stayed with Evergreeners most nights. Billy said, "This trip wouldn't have been possible without all the Evergreeners we stayed with along the way." They got to know some great folks as they journeyed through this scenic part of the country.
Pie, because... of course
As all great travelers do, Billy and Lanee embarked on a noble quest: the hunt for the best cherry pie. Michigan is known for their exquisite cherries - the perfect plump blend of sweet and tart. At the end of much deliberation our travelers decided that the cherry pie from Grand Traverse Pie Company was the winner. Apparently, it was the closest thing they've had to perfection. They also found Cherry Republic, a place that sold everything cherry: salsa, sauces, jams, candy, etc... and had loads of samples! Unfortunately, as this was a Zoom call, we had to just imagine this cherry pie, instead of trying it for ourselves. But you might be able to make your own with this cherry pie filling from Cherry Republic that you can order online.
Sight Seeing
They toured St. Ignatius church, which was clean, conservative, colonial, grand, and serious from the outside, but on the inside they were surprised to see a wooden canoe hanging from the ceiling! It's good to know that if we're not quite to the level of spiritual demonstration that will let us ascend into heaven like the Master, at least we can canoe. Could be a long journey. Better bring snacks. Hey, maybe there are some Evergreeners on the way we could stay with!
“The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.” ― Frank Herbert, Dune
Billy and Lanee also went to go see the Sleeping Bear Dunes; some truly massive sand dunes overlooking the ocean-like expanse of Lake Michigan. It's actually hard to fathom the size of these dunes. They're basically mountains made of sand. According to wikipedia, the Sleeping Bear Dunes cover over 71,000 acres and reach a height of 234 feet. That's huge!
Seems like it's only once you're way at the top of one of these massive dunes - well out of sight and earshot of other humans that you begin to question, "I wonder why they call this place Sleeping Bear Dunes."
And so the adventure continues...
Billy and Lanee love waterfalls. This huge waterfall at Tahquamenon might be a doosy to pronounce, but it sure was beautiful! Definitely a highlight of their trip.
Water, water everywhere!
Michigan is all about water. Lakes, rivers, waterfalls on the interior of the state as well as the obvious Great Lakes Michigan & Huron. As such, there are many lighthouses to enjoy. 116 Lighthouses in fact!
The appropriately named Big Red Lighthouse was one of their favorites.
Mackinac Island
The couple spent a day at famous Mackinac Island - pronounced (Mack-in-aw). It's quite a distance from the main shore and you must take a big ferry across the water to get there.
One of the first things you'll notice about the isand is that there are absolutely no automobiles on the entire island. No wonder it's the destination of many picky travelers! You either go by foot, by bike, or by horse. The charm is off the charts. Billy and Lanee went by horse first and finished the rest of their time on foot.
Billy and Lanee said they just loved Michigan and would absolutely go back. But next time, they might choose to drive up the Eastern coast to get another perspective on the state.
Thanks so much Billy and Lanee for sharing the highlights of your delightful trip with us. We all really enjoyed it and can't wait for our own chance to go have an adventure in Michigan!
Make friends. Host well. Travel savvy.
Make friends. Host well. Travel savvy. is the motto of the Evergreen Club. And Billy and Lanee certainly did that!
We really do live in a beautiful world. There are so many fascinating places to go see. The Evergreen Club is here to help make that a reality for our members. We love the idea of making extraordinary travel available to more people by providing consistently rock-bottom prices and plenty of clean, friendly places to stay. Perhaps most rewarding is the ability to "pay it forward" by helping others have equally wonderful experiences by agreeing to host them on their adventures. In this way, we make one of the most fun, adventurous, interesting, well-traveled, and unselfish communities out there. Thank you for being part of the club.
Join us next Sunday at 7:00pm EDT for our next VTE. See you there!